It powers your enthusiasm,
Lightens your spirit.
Gets you elated blurs your decisions,
What is it?
It may give you the rose tinted view,
Or paranoia.
Make the world go round and round,
A one time experience is good enough for you!
Your heart rate increases,
Your arm goes numb.
No wonder since you've been sticking needles in again,
Like a homeless bum.
You go some where boxed,
spray it as you stand.
you keep breathing until you pass out,
its not even considered contraband!
Ok lets see whos been chasing enough to know which drug each verse is. :)
Lunar Blessing
13 years ago
and the question's not so much who's been chasing enough to know which drug each verse is...but who's been chasing enough to write so knowledgeably on the subject ;)
well I know the third ones heroin (:
dude watch Requiem for a Dream :|
the fourth is solvent abuse I guess? =/
but anyways
the comments got me laughing :P
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